06/24/14 - Startin' a blog
So this is what a blog is..huh? Strange I was promised bacon but all I got was a window of failure or .......I dunno..not failure. So i'll probably spam my blog with "some" of my old fanfiction. Anyways i forgot to in..tro.duce myself..My real name is Charles Lawrenz Ambas. And no I'm not German (Common misconception due to because of my name..or maybe not). I'm Filipino (you know the one that eats too meat and bacon (everyone loves meat and bacon) and probably pork too.) Why did I make a blog...I dunno felt like it (plus my teacher asked us to....so yeahhhhh.....), This blog will symbolize probable (or improbable) technology based on anime or anime based on technology. You might be wondering why anime and technology?(and the excessive use of parentheses). Well, long-story short I love formal chickens *ifyouknowwhatimean* and probably anime. When you read this blog be advised sanity is not our goal but imagination *ifyouknowwhatimean*. I look forward to making your lives a little brighter (maybe not but I always have a lightbulb just in case*badumtss*......Okay that was corny...I should stop using this parentheses now. :3) if not dar- I mean happier.That said have a Nekomata.
So this is what a blog is..huh? Strange I was promised bacon but all I got was a window of failure or .......I dunno..not failure. So i'll probably spam my blog with "some" of my old fanfiction. Anyways i forgot to in..tro.duce myself..My real name is Charles Lawrenz Ambas. And no I'm not German (Common misconception due to because of my name..or maybe not). I'm Filipino (you know the one that eats too meat and bacon (everyone loves meat and bacon) and probably pork too.) Why did I make a blog...I dunno felt like it (plus my teacher asked us to....so yeahhhhh.....), This blog will symbolize probable (or improbable) technology based on anime or anime based on technology. You might be wondering why anime and technology?(and the excessive use of parentheses). Well, long-story short I love formal chickens *ifyouknowwhatimean* and probably anime. When you read this blog be advised sanity is not our goal but imagination *ifyouknowwhatimean*. I look forward to making your lives a little brighter (maybe not but I always have a lightbulb just in case*badumtss*......Okay that was corny...I should stop using this parentheses now. :3) if not dar- I mean happier.That said have a Nekomata.