Evolution of Smartphones

Smartphones, Whenever we hear this word we often associate this with either Android or the famous iPhone.But what do you think really is the definition of the word "Smartphone"? Is it really just a phone with an OS? If so, We can say that every phone with Android or iOS can be considered a smartphone. What about those previous phones that had no OS could be considered a dumbphone regardless on whether it can perform different tasks simultaneously .Well that's a common misconception(or not), Smartphones have been around for more than 20 years (and yes it is older than the very first iPhone...). Today I will discuss the ENTIRE HISTORY(maybe not entire but the important parts of the history)of Smartphones.

1.The very first Smartphone (IBM Simon(IBM/BellSouth) - 1993)
The very first Smartphone to be ever commercially-produced is the IBM Simon.Though it lacked the capacitive touch screen that most modern smartphones have today instead it had a monochrome backlight LCD touchscreen that seemed like a gameboy(the old one before the Gameboy color).The IBM Simon was part-mobile phone,part-PDA(Personal Digital Assistant),part-fax machine and had basic apps like a calendar, a calculator and an address book.

2.The phone that coined the name (Ericsson Phone GS88(Ericsson Mobile) - 1997)
In 1997, The term "smartphone" was first used upon the release of the GS88.It had a QWERTY keypad that can be found in today's laptops and computers.

3.The very first Smartphone with an OS(Ericsson R380 (Ericsson Mobile) - 2000)
The R380 was the very first Smartphone that had an open operating system, The Symbian OS.Symbian is like it's successor Android in so many ways..One would be it ran exclusively on ARM processors. It was one of the OS of choice for Samsung until.....ironically Android was developed.

4.First Smartphone for wireless email use (BlackBerry 5810 (BlackBerry) - 2006)
The BlackBerry era started in earnest in March 2002, when RIM unveiled the BlackBerry 5810. It was the first handheld from RIM to carry GSM and GPRS, although phone service was almost incidental when owners had to plug in a headset just to make calls.

5.First Smartphone to have a multi-touch interface (Apple iPhone[Generation 1] (Apple Inc.) - 2007)
You were expecting me to put an iPhone here weren't you?Come on admit it. Well, I can't blame you. The Apple iPhone was the very first with a capacitive touch screen, It boasts a 412 MHz processor, A 2MP rear camera, a 3.5" screen and 320x480 resolution plus it ran on iOS 3.This phone is pretty way off against it's modern counterpart.

5.First Android Phone (HTC Dream (HTC) - 2008 The very first Android Smartphone was the HTC Dream.Since there was an Apple entry might as well put some fanservice for the 'Droid dudes and dudettes out there.The HTC dream runs on Donut.....Yes Donut..to be more specific Android 1.6 Donut, The Dream has a 320x480 resolution in a 3.2" display.It utilizes a 528Mhz ARM processor and 3.2MP camera with an unusual 2048 x 1536 pixels and autofocus feature. It was the only competition the iPhone had during the start of the 21st Century...

Now what did you like in this article?From the looks of thing technology has gotten pretty far from wireless technology to the predecessors of the smartphones of what we have today.That said, will our dependence technology also increase? or will it benefit us even more?Only time shall tell and until then this is Unf0r3seen signing off.Bye-bye!(ó ì_í)=óò=(ì_í ò)

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