Manifestations of Cyber culture
Manifestations of Cyberculture include various human interactions mediated by computer networks. They can be activities, pursuits, games, places and metaphors, and include a diverse base of applications. Some are supported by specialized software and others work on commonly accepted web protocols. Examples include but are not limited to:
> Blogs
Blogs (like your truly) are either informational,vocational or totally for entertainment purposes.This is either created normal people for things like posting their everyday life (or artwork they want to share but is to afraid of DeviantArt.went their myself once...My confidence in drawing was destroyed T_T), downloads (mods,hacked apks,pirated ISOs) purely informational(There's a site with a complete list of Naruto Episodes....No kidding) or purely entertainment(You know what I'm talking about.*wink*)

> Bulletin Board Systems
Bulletin Board Systems or Bulletin Boards are like virtual meetings to discuss a certain topic (something what politicians do except it's more hilarious and entertaining).It can also be and Image board in where you can find other people's collections of pictures of your favorite anime character (Rule #34 applies to this) or other points of interest(guns,cars,action figures,figmas,nendroids,Barrack Obama riding a lion while holding a M4A1 Assault Rifle).

> Chat This goes without saying, The ever so undying chat. Actually 75% in Entertainment sites,The chat box is more hilarious than the article on the page itself.Chat also provides some very interesting conversations from other people.

>[REDACTED FOR NSFW CONTENT] If something is redacted you know what is...
> E-Commerce
Are you familiar with those Dakimakura most otakus dream having? Well it's part of E-commerce,Who says you can't have a little money-making business on the internet besides all the [REDACTED] all over the net you can only assume that they're making money out of it because if people want it,Why not sell it?

> Games
Gaming has become part of culture. It has formed alliances,Crossovers,Fanfictions,Doujinshi and even a cult(All hail the Helix Fossil!!!) .Gaming also spawns the creation of internet memes such as the famous "All our base are belong to us" and the "You have to beat the Father of the Korean Supermodel you want to date in Starcraft" and my favorite "There's a three in his post! HALF-LIFE 3 CONFIRMED!!"

> Internet memes
Self-explanatory memes are images that have satirical and comedic value, Memes are popular for their usage in making serious things hilarious.That is why most people make a joke something like "I'm going to hell for this" or "Worth it". Popular image boards that specialize in memes are 4chan,9gag and Danbooru.(Sites you should enter at your own risk).

> Peer-to-peer file sharing Peer-to-peer file sharing is a fancy term for "pirating" or what in the net is called "torrenting", When a guy downloads a file and completes the downloading.He is actually putting somewhat a host or in pirate terms "seed". This "seed" will allow another guy to download the file he just downloaded a lot quicker(but depends on his connection and seed-leech ratio as well).
> Social networks
Stereotypical sites(Facebook in which many people in the world gather to socialize(Ironically) with either old friends or complete strangers(Honestly how many people in your facebook page you have met personally?).It is also used to spread news(or rumors),propaganda and the likes just to save African children or a diseased patient needing immediate care from a surgeon.

> Virtual worlds
With the introduction of the Oculus rift virtual realitynever seemed so.....well.. real, Virtual worlds such as Immersive simulators create a sense of a somehow augmented reality in which not only do you see them but you feel you can touch them...but then again there are virtual worlds that do not offer the same immersion.
I hope you enjoyed this post and I will be making a final one (or two more if I have the time) till then I will see you until the next post.